When properly done, influencer marketing campaigns can produce high-quality evergreen content for brands to repurpose over time.   On Friday, August 5, 2016, during a glitzy opening ceremony, U.S. gymnast Simone Biles — a then-relative unknown — had a Google Trends search index score of just four,...

Ad clutter is taking over - but could influencer marketing be the solution?   Rich media banners. Standard banners. Pop-ups. Pop-unders. Web pages are full of "ad clutter" — a glut of attention-grabbing marketing messages displayed all over. Despite the overabundance of intrusive marketing messages on the Internet, ad...

Identifying influencers for your campaigns won't be easy, but it's crucial to find the right ones. START WITH PEOPLE FIRST! We’ve mentioned before our fondness for Forester's POST methodology and starting each content strategy with a clear understanding on your target audience first. Our approach to influencer...

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